Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Baby's First Picture

Walking into the doctors office for my first visit was, at no surprise, very emotional (and scary)...

I walked in, signed my name on the check-in sheet and had a seat. They called me to the window and handed me a form to fill out, mainly about family and personal history and such. I quickly jotted the information down and took it back up. Then the waiting began. I blame myself for getting there almost a half hour early but hey, I was excited.

Finally, the nurse came to the door and called my name. Yes, she pronounced it After years of being called Kristen, it was shocking to hear. Anyway, she had me verify my date of birth and handed me a cup for a urine sample. I went into the bathroom, did my business and washed my hands.

There's something about a mirror with me. As I was washing my hands, I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror...and the tears started flowing. Not to mention the fact that I'm already naturally a sensitive person who will cry over almost anything...but add a bunch of extra hormones into the mix and you have nothing but a blubbering MESS!

I finally got myself together and walked into the exam room. The nurse and a student nurse came in and asked me several questions: How had I been feeling...was I keeping food down...did I have any questions...etc. Then I was given a gown and instructed to change and they'd be back to check on me. The gown...hahaha...the gown. It was definately "one size fits..." well lets just say...NOT ME! I looked like a Barbie in babydoll clothing. WAY. TOO. BIG. And yes, I know it wasn't a fashion show and yes, they are doctors that see this kind of stuff every day but when my boobs are hanging out of the arm holes, we've got ourselves a serious problem. So I covered and tucked and situated as best I could and waited for the nurse to come back in with the doctor.

When they came back in, about 20 minutes later, the doctor went right into my pap smear and then it happened: they showed me my baby :') The most beautiful thing you will EVER see in your entire life is your baby for the first time. There was NO WAY I was holding back those tears. They showed me the little flicker of the heartbeat, pointed out the head, and showed me the little nubs that will soon be arms and legs. I cried...and cried...and cried! They hit print and handed me the first picture of my sweet baby. I couldn't stop staring. I was so in love. There are just certain milestones you wait to hit your entire life. You dream about them as a little girl, knowing that one day you'll fall in love, get married and have a baby. Those days are here! Our time has come! Our dreams are coming true.

So here's Baby Scott at 9 weeks! So exciting!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Morning Sickness...Who named that anyway?

Ugh, morning sickness. Who came up with that name anyway? Probably a man. Yes, it starts in the morning but goes long through the afternoon and into the night. About the only time I don't feel like hurling is when I'm asleep...and even then, I dream about it. It all started about two weeks ago with just simple nausea and dizziness. I could handle that...but ever since I found out last Monday that Michael and I were expecting our first child, I've done nothing but hug the toilet, bucket or nearby trashcan. Miserable to say the least. So of course, I turned to Google for remedies from other moms who know what I'm going through. Lemon, ginger ale and small naps throughout the day were suggested. Lemon and ginger ale, I can do...but naps? Don't these women work? Unfortunately, none of the remedies have helped me so I've just been avoiding delicious food at all cost. Sticking to things I don't mind throwing up. Hopefully this will all be over shortly and I can go on the the pretty part of pregnancy.