Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Morning Sickness...Who named that anyway?

Ugh, morning sickness. Who came up with that name anyway? Probably a man. Yes, it starts in the morning but goes long through the afternoon and into the night. About the only time I don't feel like hurling is when I'm asleep...and even then, I dream about it. It all started about two weeks ago with just simple nausea and dizziness. I could handle that...but ever since I found out last Monday that Michael and I were expecting our first child, I've done nothing but hug the toilet, bucket or nearby trashcan. Miserable to say the least. So of course, I turned to Google for remedies from other moms who know what I'm going through. Lemon, ginger ale and small naps throughout the day were suggested. Lemon and ginger ale, I can do...but naps? Don't these women work? Unfortunately, none of the remedies have helped me so I've just been avoiding delicious food at all cost. Sticking to things I don't mind throwing up. Hopefully this will all be over shortly and I can go on the the pretty part of pregnancy.

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