Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Labor and Delivery Story

Everyone has been asking to hear my labor and delivery story...I have been struggling to decide whether or not I wanted to share some of this story and I have just decided to leave some of it out...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012:  I woke up that morning feeling horrible, came to work, went to the bathroom and felt something "fall out" into the toilet. I thought maybe it was my "mucus plug" so I googled it and it looked the same as the pictures on Google Images. So I called the doctor's office and made an appointment. I went to the doctor that afternoon, she informed me it was not a mucus plug and that nothing was wrong.

Thursday, October 11, 2012: I called the doctor again because I had started spotting and it was getting heavier and heavier. The doctor said that she wasn't concerned with the spotting and told me she would see me Tuesday (my regularly scheduled appointment)...

Friday, October 12, 2012: I had been under a great deal of stress all day long. I worked that day and several stressful circumstances throughout the day had me pretty upset. Around 4:30 that afternoon, I had started having contractions. I, however, did not know that's what they were. At 5pm, I went home, tried to call my doctor but their office was already closed. I decided to walk Charlie, eat some dinner and lay down. I finally laid down at 6:30pm and my water immediately broke. I called my sister, she came upstairs and looked at the "water" and told me we were going to the hospital. I was in shock and didn't want to go to the We finally got in the car, tried to call Michael repeatedly but he wasn't answering. So I called our friend Barry and he said Michael and Barry's son, Bud, were in the woods hunting and that he would try to get a hold of Bud...


Barry called me back and told me he got Bud on the phone and he was going to go find Michael.
Michael finally called us and said he had forgotten his phone in the truck and that he was on his way.

By this time, it was a little after 7pm and even walking into the Emergency Room, Olivia in tow, I was still in denial that I was actually in labor. I kept telling Kayleen that I wasn't in labor and that they were going to send me home and that they would think I was stupid for having a false alarm. Yeah, this was my crazy thought process! Olivia insisted on holding my hand and as I checked in at the front desk, she was rubbing my back to comfort me. What a little mommy! As I sat in the chair answering questions, I found myself unable to talk through the pain. All of a sudden, getting into a bed was urgent (in my mind) and was praying she would hurry up. Finally, she put my hospital band on and I was so excited to lay down. WRONG! She told me to have a seat in the WAITING ROOM! WHAT!? So I sat down for what felt like an hour and was later informed it was about a

I was wheeled into a room and they checked me and I was 4 centimeters dilated. Since I was only 34 weeks pregnant, they were deciding whether or not I was stable enough to be transferred to another hospital to have the baby or if I had to have him there and then transfer him to another hospital. A couple minutes later, the doctor came in, checked me and I was already 5 centimeters dilated so they decided our baby was coming too quickly and we were going to have him there. HOLY COW! When she was checking me, she thought she saw his butt...I was terrified! I couldn't have my baby breach. So she wheeled in the ultrasound machine and turns out she was wrong! He was head down and ready to come out!

Michael finally arrived at the hospital and everything FLEW from that point on. I remember Kayleen telling me every so often that someone else had arrived to the hospital. First Michael, Tana, Mom and Tim and then she told me my uncle had gotten a hold of Granny and Pappy and they were on their way. What a relief!

After asking every couple of minutes for an epidural, the anesthesiologist FINALLY came into the room and I told him I loved him...yeah, that much pain. You crazies who have a baby without an epidural are far stronger than I will ever be. In fact, I think there is something wrong with you! lol

He cleared the room and had me sit on the side of the bed, hugging a pillow. Michael sat in front of me to hold me up. All fears of pain from an epidural went out the window. NOTHING could hurt worse than my cervix stretching to the size of Titanic's iceberg! I had several contractions while he was working and I still sat perfectly still like he had asked me to. He told me he was finished and to lay back down.

And the angels sang... in fact, the angels sang so loudly that I had asked for my I was feeling good!

The doctor, who for the record, was not MY doctor, told me that she wasn't going to check me that much because there is a risk of infection once your water breaks. She said, "So whenever  you feel like you are ready to push, just let me know." What? Lady, first of all, I can't feel my butt and secondly, I'VE NEVER HAD A BABY BEFORE! So I just laid in the bed in complete comfort because of the epidural and all of a sudden felt an annoying urge to push!
So the doctor (or whoever she was) had me sit up, had Michael hold one leg and my mother the other and she began to explain how to push. "Push like you have to poop!" Here I am, scared as hell, and she has me thinking: "Push like you have to poop!? You're not supposed to push when you have to poop! That's how you get hemorrhoids!" Forgive me, I was not in my right mind! lol
So when a contraction came, I brought my shoulders off of the bed, grabbed behind my knees, put my chin to my chest...and began to push. If you think 10 seconds isn't a long time, ask a woman who is pushing during labor! It's an eternity!

We were well into the second hour of pushing and the doctor came in...and started yelling at me! I think she was just concerned that I hadn't had the baby yet...??? maybe not? She pretty much pushed everyone out of the way, dug in and started stretching everything apart and screaming at me to push. that was traumatizing! I'm pretty sure I said "I can't do it" several times and my nurse, who I LOVED, kept saying, "You are doing it!" But in a few minutes...we had a baby! :')

They pulled him out, cut the cord and rushed him over to the isolette. I never took my eyes off of him! He was BIG and he was beautiful! :') After working on him, they swaddled him up and brought him to me! I was SO in love :) The nurse told me that he was fine and he could stay with me but because he was premature, he had to stay in the nursery for 4 hours just so they could make sure everything was okay.

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