Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Getting excited for our baby shower this weekend! Can't wait to see everyone! Baby Scott is going to be so

How far along? 34 Weeks
Maternity clothes? that's all that fits!
Stretch marks? tiny ones...
Sleep: has been horrible. Awake most of the night, dragging most of the

Movement: I think I have a jumping bean in there...
Food cravings: sadly, McDonalds. And I've been loving fruit and yogurt parfaits.
Gender: BOY! :)
Labor Signs: I had a little scare but it was a false alarm!
Belly Button in or out? flush with my belly.
Wedding rings on or off? off :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy.
Any names picked out: YES :)
Any symptoms: Back pain, rib pain, heartburn, peeing every 45 minutes, leg cramps.

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