Thursday, July 26, 2012


23 weeks! EEK! I swear, time is just flying by. We'll be holding our little man in no time at all!

How far along? 23 weeks!
Maternity clothes? oh yeah. My cheer shorts don't even fit anymore. :(
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleep is the most uncomfortable thing I do...Thank God for my belly pillow

Best moment this week: Looking at baby stuff with Michael.
Miss Anything? I'm not much of a drinker but I always want what I can't have. lol
Movement: Oh yeah!
Food cravings: Olive Garden and Chicken Salad Sandwiches from Daily Grind! And fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick: other womens birth stories lol
Gender: BOY! :)

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: lol hormonal...
Any names picked out: that's the hardest part!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Surprising Michael, Kayleen, Olivia and my grandparents

Michael and I had been trying to get pregnant since last year. After a couple of months of no baby, neither one of us thought it was ever going to happen. I had been sick for over two weeks and thought it was a virus that had set in my ears again. (The same time the year before, I had gone to the hospital for the same symptoms and that's what they told me it was.) I put off going to the doctors for long enough and decided to take a pregnancy test before I made an appointment. I took a pregnancy test April 2nd at lunchtime and low and behold...two pink lines! I went back to work and told NO ONE for over 6 hours! That was torture but I wanted Michael to be first to know! After work, I ran to the Dollar Tree and got "It's A Boy" and "It's A Girl" balloons and tied my test to it! Michael took absolutely FOREVER to get home from work that day and it took absolutely everything I had to keep Charlie off the balloon strings! I swear, sometimes I think he's a cat! When Michael finally got home, I set up the camera and pressed record! You get to see Charlie in all of his spastic glory greeting Michael at the And yes, he is always like that!

After surprising Michael, he got in the shower and I ran downstairs to surprise my sister Kayleen and my niece, Olivia. I tied the same balloons and test to her porch and waited for her to answer the door. Kayleen and I didnt say much, just cried a

Then Olivia came to the door and I got to tape her reaction! She is so sweet and so excited!

Then I waited ALL WEEK to surprise my Grandparents on Easter Sunday! We had them sit down for a picture and had them say "Kristeen's pregnant"... Poor Pappy didn't understand that we were recording it :) I love him!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Facebook Announcement

We finally decided to announce to Facebook on Friday that we are expecting! I'm glad we waited as long as we did! Everyone seemed to love our announcement!

Check it out :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

IT'S A...

Michael and I are very excited to announce that we are having a little BOY!

How far along? 21 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Yep! I have gift cards to go get more!
Stretch marks? Nope! Come on God's of Cocoa Butter lotion lol
Sleep: So uncomfortable. :(

Best moment this week: Finding out my teddy graham was a boy!
Miss Anything? no
Movement: Yes! Lots and lots!
Food cravings: Watermelon, chips and salsa con queso and pepperoni rolls.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really...
Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? in but is almost out :(
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Buying boy stuff!
Any names picked out: Not yet! We just found out yesterday that it's a boy so we're working on that! I think we'll keep it a secret once we decide though!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Dear Baby,
     Your Daddy and I survived one of the scariest storms of my life on Friday night. The wind was blowing, the lightning and thunder were horrific and it was pouring. But worst of all, the power went out for 3 days and it got so hot in our house. I don't normally get that scared during thunderstorms. Maybe it was because I wanted to protect you, baby.
     We watched the storm from our living room for a while then Charlie and I went and laid down in bed. Charlie was cuddled up to me and I could feel you moving. You were going crazy! Kicking harder than I had ever felt. I put my hand over where you were kicking and I could feel you kicking my hand, baby. I called for your Daddy to come and feel you kick. It took a couple times but he finally felt you kicking! Best part of that storm!
    By 7am the next morning, we were miserable from the heat so Charlie and I went to Granny and Pappy's house to sit in some air conditioning! Later that afternoon, I asked your Aunt Kyleen and Kathleen if they wanted to feel the baby kick. They each got to feel you kick! Then it was Olivia and Aunt Kayleen's turn. Olivia's face lit up when she felt you kick her hand. Your Aunt Kayleen was so excited, too! MeMe also got to feel you kick the following day!