Monday, July 2, 2012


Dear Baby,
     Your Daddy and I survived one of the scariest storms of my life on Friday night. The wind was blowing, the lightning and thunder were horrific and it was pouring. But worst of all, the power went out for 3 days and it got so hot in our house. I don't normally get that scared during thunderstorms. Maybe it was because I wanted to protect you, baby.
     We watched the storm from our living room for a while then Charlie and I went and laid down in bed. Charlie was cuddled up to me and I could feel you moving. You were going crazy! Kicking harder than I had ever felt. I put my hand over where you were kicking and I could feel you kicking my hand, baby. I called for your Daddy to come and feel you kick. It took a couple times but he finally felt you kicking! Best part of that storm!
    By 7am the next morning, we were miserable from the heat so Charlie and I went to Granny and Pappy's house to sit in some air conditioning! Later that afternoon, I asked your Aunt Kyleen and Kathleen if they wanted to feel the baby kick. They each got to feel you kick! Then it was Olivia and Aunt Kayleen's turn. Olivia's face lit up when she felt you kick her hand. Your Aunt Kayleen was so excited, too! MeMe also got to feel you kick the following day!

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