Wednesday, September 19, 2012


There are very few things that keep me from eating a meal, especially these days. However, heartburn and the anxiety of the perfect birth plan are now on the list. epidural? How does an epidural affect the baby? What are my other pain management options? Should I take a class? Can I do this? Will I have to get an episiotomy or a c-section? Who do I want in the delivery room? Which doctor will I choose? Breastfeed or formula? What in the world should I pack in my hospital bag!? What am I bringing the baby home in? What are we going to name him?

There are so many questions running through my head...and I NEED answers...and some lunch!

I went to the doctor yesterday! She said that I'm measuring big and that she thinks it's going to be a big baby! That scares me a little bit! lol Other than that, I passed my glucose test and I go back every 2 weeks now! So exciting!

Here's a picture of the growing belly! Please excuse the toilet and shoe shiner :)

How far along? 31 Weeks
Maternity clothes? yep
Stretch marks? so far, so good.
Sleep: is horrible. The most uncomfortable thing ever. lol I get charlie horses ALL NIGHT LONG! bleh!

Movement: More bulging than kicking these days. I think he's out of room.
Food cravings: Chicken Salad from The Daily Grind...again. And then there is this ridiculous obsession with chips and salsa lately. lol
Gender: BOY! :)
Labor Signs: I had Braxton Hicks which are so
Belly Button in or out? in, almost out.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy :)
Any names picked out: yep! And I'm excited!
Any symptoms: Back pain, rib pain, heartburn, peeing every 45 minutes, leg cramps.

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