Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I went for my glucose test and Rhogam shot Saturday. The drink tasted like the orange freeze pops that come in the plastic. No big deal. Got my blood taken and I'm assuming I passed since I haven't heard from my doctor...who knows! lol Then I waited on the shot forever but that wasn't bad at all. My labor nurse said it was a very painful shot and that it would feel like a donkey kicked me for several days after. I must have gotten lucky because it wasn't sore at all! I'm just glad that part is over with!

Anyway, here's the bump this week!!!

How far along? 29 weeks
Maternity clothes? oh yeah.
Stretch marks? I don't think so...then again, I can't really see the other side of my belly.
Sleep: sucks lol

Movement: Oh yeah!
Food cravings: Subway! Tuna on Honey Oat with onions, spinach, mayo and salt and pepper. Also been loving their Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits...
Gender: BOY! :)
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy :)
Any names picked out: I think we've agreed on a couple names...
Any symptoms: Back pain...ugh! It's the worst when I'm asleep! But the heartburn seems to be gone! :)

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