Thursday, September 27, 2012


I really should have titled this post: NOTHING FITS! It is extremely frustrating when your husband is in a hurry to leave the house but it takes you 20 minutes to get your maternity jeans past your thighs and over your butt! Seriously, I've been close to But I finally broke down and bought a new pair of maternity jeans in a size that I can actually breathe in! Talk about HEAVEN!

I discovered recently that I have a tiny stretch mark on my hip. I thought at first it was just a mark from my way-too-tight jeans...turns out, it was an itty bitty stretch mark. I'm not freaking out. No one besides my husband will be seeing that part of my body anyway so I'm okay with it. Let's, however, keep praying to the Cocoa Butter Gods that I don't get any (or at least, many) on my belly. And for those of you wondering, no, I wasn't putting lotion on the part that I got a stretch mark on. :(

I wear my rings pretty loose anyway so I thought I wouldn't have a problem with my fingers swelling. WRONG! I don't think my fingers have swollen but I think they have gotten a little chubbier lately and therefore, I was forced to take my rings off. My fingers were starting to turn

Last night, Michael and I were at dinner. I ran to the bathroom as soon as I got inside the restaurant. I fought a 6 year old out of the stall and made it, barely, just in time. I was then standing at the sink, washing my hands, when one of my customers I hadn't seen in a long time came up to me to say hello. She quickly noticed my weight gain and exclaimed LOUDLY, "Wow, you've really put on a lot of weight!" I turned around to face her and said, "Well, I have about 8 more weeks left." She then, to my horror, said, "OH! And you're pregnant!" RUDE! lol

Anyway, I personally think I wear the weight (40 extra pounds!) pretty well. And even if that's just me trying to make myself feel better and if I really do look like a cow, I don't care. In 8 weeks or less, I'm going to have a gorgeous baby boy to keep me busy! And my husband (BETTER) not care :)


How far along? 32 Weeks
Maternity clothes? yep
Stretch marks? tiny ones...
Sleep: depends on Michael and Charlie. They are bed

Movement: More bulging than kicking these days. I think he's out of room. He's been turning sideways, his spine to my belly button, head bulging under my ribcage and his bottom poking out the other side.
Food cravings: ICE! I've been chomping ice like crazy! Also, I've been back to eating Chinese. 3 times in one week. lol
Gender: BOY! :)
Labor Signs: nope...
Belly Button in or out? in, almost out.
Wedding rings on or off? off :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy :)
Any names picked out: yep! And I'm excited!
Any symptoms: Back pain, rib pain, heartburn, peeing every 45 minutes, leg cramps. Ridiculously overly-emotional. It's been

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